
Beni and Ancuta Micle

Beni and his wife, Ancuta, have been missionaries in the Black Sea/Constanta area since 2001. They moved from Transylvania following the call of God.

Beni and Ancuta Micle

They are both graduates of Bible School University Bucharest. Beni is the pastor of Agape Christian Centre Navodari and is committed to seeing new churches planted and new leadership trained and supported to lead new churches. The long-term goal is to see the daughter churches grow and mature and become self-sustaining.

During the past seven years several new congregations have been planted in rural villages.

Beni is the Director of Mathetis Bible College which is helping train up the next generation of pastors and church planters. The vision is based on the process between the calling of Jesus to ‘Follow Me and I will make you fisher of man’ and the command ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). The curriculum is based on a two years programme, two terms each year, each term with three classes of 12 hours every other weekend.

Beni and Ancuta have two children.

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