Fetije Halili

Fetije Halili

Fetije Halili comes from a Roma background and has a heart for sharing the gospel with her own people.

Many Roma live in the ‘Riverbank’ district on the outskirts of the capital city, Tirana. Gospel of God Church has been planted in this district and reaches out to many women and children in the community. As well as the regular Sunday services and children’s ministry, they hold weekly prayer meetings, Bible Study and evangelistic services. There is high unemployment in the area, and many men turn to alcohol to cope. The government has plans to redevelop the ‘Riverbank’ district which would mean the local people probably having to move elsewhere. So, while she has the opportunity, Fetije faithfully shares the gospel with all who will listen. The church is providing hope to the next generation, and it’s great that some of the church members have attended ISTL and are involved in planting new churches. In January 2022 they started a new church plant in the Bathore district.

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