
Thank God for His work in this land! For a long time it was closed to the gospel, but evangelicals grew from nearly zero to several thousand in just a few years. The Albanian Evangelical Alliance (VUSH) now represents and connects more than 200 congregations and organisations.

Tirana, capital city

Country stats

The Church has indigenous leadership, nationwide networks, a vision for discipleship and evangelism, and it sends out workers to other lands! And all this came about during a politically and economically unstable time. Many believe that years of devoted prayer for Albania opened the way for ministry here.

Albania has a long road ahead to recover completely from the devastation of atheistic Communism. Economically, morally and, in particular, spiritually, there remains much to be done to build a healthy and productive society. The anarchy, chaos and corruption of the 1990s and 2000s are outworkings of the nation’s grim past, but there is praiseworthy progress of late. Pray that Albania’s government and business cultures might be positively impacted by the influence of believers. Biblical ethics in these contexts can be in short supply.

Evangelicals are in a transition phase. The frenetic activity of the 1990s has been replaced with more strategic ministry and consolidation. There are fewer long-term missionaries now than in the initial rush after the country opened; more committed workers are needed. National leadership is developing and growing but had to start from a baseline of almost zero. Scattergun evangelism is being replaced by a more focused and strategic approach. More than 200 evangelical congregations are connected and represented by the Albanian Evangelical Alliance (VUSH).

From Operation World, 7th Edition, by Jason Mandryk. Copyright (c) 2010 by Jason Mandryk. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, USA.

Our partners in Albania

Arben Bedulla

Arben Bedulla

Albanian Christian Church in Korce

Artur Tushi

Artur Tushi

Leads churches in Berat and Kucove

Erion and family

Erion and Gentiana Çuni

Life in Christ Evangelical Church

Fetije Halili

Fetije Halili

Gospel of God Church, Tirana

Hervin & Sedika Fushekati

Hervin and Sedika Fushekati

International School of Theology and Leadership

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