by Ivan Ivanov, Mission Possible Bulgaria
This Winter we travelled a lot, giving out jackets and shoes to children in desperate need. In the village of Milevo, we noticed one little girl who looked very sad. She stood alone beside the church wall as she watched the other children chatter and huddle together. It was a freezing cold day. She wore a thin, baggy sweater on top of a summer dress and her bare feet sticking out of her worn flip flops.
I went over to talk to her. She didn’t want to play with the others because she didn’t feel comfortable with them. I told her I was sent to her today, to tell her that she was very precious and that Jesus loved her more than she can imagine. I explained how Jesus had paid the price for her to be His child! The little girl broke into tears and asked, “Are you an angel?”
I asked her to join the rest of the children to pray and sing to Jesus. She was different! A smile beamed on her face for she now knew how precious she was to Jesus! She even prayed with us! We gave her a new jacket and a pair of boots to keep her warm, but we gave her also the Good news about Jesus, which is more important, for He will change her heart and destiny!