Ark of Life, Kosovo

By Monica Murgu, Fellowship of the Lord’s People, Pristina

Monica MurguThere’s been an exciting development in our efforts to reach communities, and especially children during these times of restriction due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Last year the Fellowship of the Lord’s People took delivery of a truck purchased by Free Evangelical Churches and Auslandshilfe in Germany.

Our special programme is called Ark of Life. As travel restrictions allow, the truck will help us to reach out to places beyond our normal activities where the need is great and where there are few possibilities for kids to develop on the education system. The activities will include: moral lessons, music, games, and handicrafts, also giving away small prizes.

Performances will address a range of social topics such as bullying in school. We want to help children to reach their potential, by encouraging them for school achievements. Also, we will encourage them o build their faith in the Kingdom of God and support their judgment for what is good and what is bad in the world around them.

We will work with children from 5 -12 years old and offer a wide programme to discover the Gospel through education and playing games.  The mobile truck will provide support for families in need and deliver vital school supplies at the beginning of each school term. There will be music classes, art and handicrafts for children that need it the most. We hope to inspire children by sharing with them the Christian way and supporting godly education.

Please pray for the children we are reaching through this ministry.

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