Friday 31st January sees the UK leave the European Union and enter the transition period which is currently set to end by December 2020. Whilst we at TEN recognise the significance of this change, we want to make clear our commitment to the call we believe God has for TEN and for all involved in the organisation.
We appreciate that there are uncertainties and unknown implications for TEN. We have already seen some impact on the exchange rate since the initial vote to leave in 2016. However, during the last three and a half years the work of TEN has continued and the support for our partners remains as strong as it ever has been.
We believe the call to support our partners as they share the good news of Jesus in their communities transcends the politics of our time. We believe that God and his eternal purposes are not surprised or thrown off course by Brexit! To our partners in Europe we want to say that we will continue to walk alongside you in what God has called you to. Despite the uncertainty and changed relationship (politically rather than geographically) of the UK in Europe, we love each of our partners and what you are doing. We are with you.
God’s kingdom has no national boundaries or border control! To our supporters in the UK, thank you for standing with TEN and our partners since the referendum in 2016. Please can we encourage you to show your love for Eastern Europe by continuing to pray, give and go. In fact, let me suggest an opportunity…what if we the UK church upped our practical display of love (whether we voted for leaving or staying) by praying more for Europe, giving more and getting more practically involved?
My verse for 2020 is Proverbs 3:5-6. God in his grace has reminded me a good number of times already of the truth of trusting him and not leaning on my own, often limited, understanding. It seems to me that these verses apply again as the UK leaves the EU.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make straight your paths.”
James Vaughton, CEO
Transform Europe Network