Thank you to Cotton Bag Co. for supporting the TEN Refresh Conference

Refresh Conference printed bag

Transform Europe Network has just held it’s Refresh Conference in Sofia Bulgaria.

We are super grateful to the 120 delegates who joined us, all those who gave their time to help run the conference, the different speakers and to those who supported in the background. A conference like this is a great opportunity for leaders from across the Balkans to come together but it does take significant investment to make it happen and happen well. 
One of our conference partners was Cotton Bag Co. They very kindly donated the printing of all the bags for conference delegates. This meant our delegates could have a lovely bag of goodies to welcome them as they arrived at their hotel on the first night and then they had a great bag for carrying stuff around during the conference too! They have supported TEN several times for events we have run and we are super thankful to Cotton Bag Co. for adding value to our event and blessing our partners in this way. Find out more about them here:
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