
A Place for Me

Vesna Radeka was born in Novi Sad. She has a degree in Serbian Literature and Language and in 2009, she finished graduate academic studies at the Novi Sad Theological Seminary.

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Vesna has been involved in full-time ministry since 1997, first as a church planter and then in 2004 she started a pioneer work in the field of pro-life ministry in Serbia.

She is the president of A Place For Me, whose aim is to raise awareness about the sanctity of human life, and to affirm life by providing assistance in a caring and supportive environment to all who are facing unplanned pregnancies, dealing with pregnancy losses or exploring sexual integrity as a lifestyle. “Through education and practical support, we want to make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.”

In 2015, A Place For Me opened a maternity home, ‘The Nest,’ for women who are pregnant or with a baby and without support of their partner or family. In 2022 they will start construction work on a purpose-built maternity centre.

Vesna is married to Nenad, who pastors Nexus Evangelical Church in Novi Sad. They have three children: Danilo, David, and Anastasija.

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