
Arben Bedulla

"I heard about Christ for the first time through a friend of mine in April 1997, when in our country there was much chaos, and life in those time was insecure because of guns that people had in their hands."

Arben Bedulla

“I was 20 years old when I started to follow Christ with all my heart. I had recently lost both my parents, and I needed to rely on someone who would take care of me and my younger brothers and sister. God invited me to trust Him all my life and also give the direction of the family where I was. I had never experienced a greater joy than the one I felt when I heard that God loved me, and that He is the best parent for me.”

Arben Bedulla is married to Silvana and they have grown up children. His son, Joel attended ISTL at the same time, and they both graduated in 2021 (delayed because of Covid). Arben and Silvana started meeting with other believers in a home in 2012, which quickly grew, and he is now the pastor of Albanian Christian Church in Korce.

As well as the main church, Arben started meetings in 2015 in the village of Zvezde, a few miles away. They are looking to purchase a building which can be converted and used as a church.

Arben is a carpenter and builder by trade.

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