
Beginning of Life

Serghei Mihailov is first and foremost a committed Christian, passionate about mission and people.

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Serghei was born in Moldova’s capital city, Chisinau and is the Executive Director of Beginning of Life (BOL) ministry; a national organization, co-founded in 2000 by Vladimir and Yulia Ubeivolc.

BOL serves the most disadvantaged people in Moldova and reaches them for the Kingdom of God. BOL apply holistic and innovative models and practices to shape and empower a new generation of passionate leaders who will be capable of taking responsibility for breaking the vicious cycle of vulnerability, violence and exploitation, thereby making real transformation in Moldova. Specific projects include an Early Learning Centre, Psychological Art Therapy, Urban Centre (Youth and Teenagers), Studio of Innovative Leadership, Art-Story shop and Urban Café. BOL also works with statutory bodies and NGO’s, produces books and videos, and runs conferences across the whole of the former Soviet Union, training others to combat trafficking.

Serghei is married to Galina and together they raise their daughters, Emma and Elina. Sadly, their young son, Emil died from a brain tumour in 2019.

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