
Josipa and Vjeko Mrsic

Vjeko Mrsic is the pastor of Good News Church, Split.

Josipa and Vjeko Mrsic

The church was planted by Danijel and Eva Mrsic in the 1990s and grew initially through their drug rehabilitation ministry to addicts who came to know Jesus and were set free from addictions. Danijel was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2016 and after discussion with the church, Vjeko, his brother, was named as the new pastor.

The church now has an emphasis on ministering to families and still has a heart for sharing the gospel, regularly running Alpha Courses. It welcomes tourists visiting Split to their Sunday services. On weeknights they hold a Bible study, prayer meeting and youth work.

The church premises are situated above Ribola, a small supermarket. The church owns and runs Camp Fokus, a Christian camp site in the mountains. During the warmer months they run camps and events for children, teenagers, youth groups, married couples, and church family groups, and is available for hire by other church groups.

Vjeko is married to Josipa and they have three young children.

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