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Mission Possible Bulgaria (MPB)

Mission Possible Bulgaria exists to help churches reach people for Jesus, and to help individuals both physically and spiritually.

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The team is passionate about evangelism, education and training, and help for the needy. The range of programmes run by Mission Possible Bulgaria includes training for church leaders; the Hem of His Garment course for abused women, soup kitchens and literacy classes for children living in poverty; printing Christian resources in the Bulgarian language; vocational training to help Roma girls find employment to break out of the cycle of poverty; and distribution of humanitarian aid.

Roumen Ivanov is the leader of Mission Possible and he testifies that though the ministry at Mission Possible God has fulfilled all his dreams for Bulgaria—serving the Church as the Body of Christ. Roumen is married to Mariana. Mission Possible in Bulgaria celebrated thirty years of ministry in September 2021.

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