
Nenad Radeka

Nenad (aka Nesa) and Vesna, his wife, have been partnering with TEN, since October 2009. They both have great confidence that God has called them to influence the world around them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nenad and Vesna Radeka

They are constantly exploring, questioning, and wrestling with new and creative ways to live out and communicate the teachings of Jesus. The most important thing for them is to encourage people to choose life by choosing Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord.

Nesa and Vesna were missionaries to Bosnia for two years after the terrible war there (1997) and planted a church there. Novi Sad Nexus Church was planted in October 2009 and that was their fifth church planting ministry that they have been involved in.

Nesa and Vesna have three children: Danilo , David and Anastasija. The Radeka family love sport. One of the more creative ways Novi Sad Nexus connect with the local community is through a soft play project launched in 2021 with the help of a loan from TEN to make their ministry more self-sustaining.

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