Rock of Ages Foundation
Rock of Ages is a prison ministry based in the southeast of Romania which does outreach in most of the 45 prisons across the country.

Freezing Temperatures Leave Thousands Struggling For Warmth
Bring hope to those on the margins
A life-line for many in desperate need in Eastern Europe
Gifts with a value, not just a price
Providing financial support in response to emergency situations
Gifts with a value, not just a price
100 faith inspiring real life stories spanning 50 years of God's work across Europe
Teams of trained volunteers go into their local prisons to share testimonies and Bible teaching, provide gifts such as hygiene items and distribute Christian literature.
The ministry provides Bible Study Correspondence Courses alongside the regular visits. Hundreds of prisoners have completed the courses, and many have come to faith through reading the Bible to answer the course questions.
Mircea and Ronela have led the ministry since 1995. During the Covid pandemic they have adapted the teaching so it can be provided online and have re-trained the current volunteers to lead meetings via Zoom.