
Vladimir and Marljana Cizmanski

Before 1990, there were no known evangelical believers in Montenegro. In 1992, after the collapse of communism, Vladimir Cizmanski came as a missionary from Serbia to plant a church in the capital city, Podgorica.

Vladimir and Marljana Cizmanski

Born and raised in a Christian home in Serbia, Vladimir experienced his second birth when he was just twelve. In his teens, God put a desire in his heart to go to the mission field of neighbouring Montenegro, one of the least evangelised countries in Europe. Eleven years later, God miraculously opened the door to go to a city with just one missionary and a couple of Evangelical believers.

Vladimir is married to Marijana and together they pastor the small, but growing Podgorica Evangelical Church. God willing, they now plan to build the first evangelical church building in the country. The current need is to complete this ambitious church building project to serve as a meeting place for the church, provide facilities for the children’s ministry, create office space for mission organisations, host a mission-training centre and to provide lodgings for visiting mission teams.

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