Danijel and Alexandra Reckovic with young people and leaders
“Our mission is to raise a new generation of young people who will serve the Lord devotedly.” Danijel Reckovic, pastor of Good News Evangelical Church in Lebane, Serbia.
TEN’s partners have been actively sharing the gospel with children and young people at summer camps all over the Balkans this year. Through the generosity of our supporters, TEN has helped fund camps in Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania.
Danijel Reckovic reports, ‘At our camp in Bojnik, it was very good, even if it was extremely hot, the teenagers enjoyed it. There were about forty young people every day. The camp lasted three days and the main topic was Who Are You Following? We talked about how much influence social media has on their lives and how it affects their relationship with the Lord. We heard good things from them such as admitting that they spend too much time on their phones and not enough time with God. Some of them gave us a promise that they would read the Bible regularly.’
Before the camp, Danijel wrote to us, ‘Our goal is to encourage young people, to strengthen them in faith and to dare to spread what the Lord gives with their friends.’ This goal was definitely achieved. Danijel concludes, ‘On the second day of the camp, the young people invited unbelieving people from the street and we had an extraordinary worship service for them. The youth participated and it gave them an incredible experience. About thirty-five people heard the gospel for the first time, and we hope that these seeds will continue to grow.’