Quarantine and restrictions because of Covid-19 have brought many Bulgarian families to the verge of poverty and dire hunger. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and are now struggling for survival. The need for bread and essential products has become so severe that children are literally starving in the villages.
Mission Possible supports one of the poorest districts in Bulgaria, sharing the Gospel for the Kingdom and providing hundreds of food parcels during the pandemic time. We realised that if we could manage to provide flour, these poor families would be able to bake their own bread. My wife and I went to buy flour and were surprised to meet pastor Bojidar from the village of Sotirya in east Bulgaria. He told us how hungry the people from his village were. Last month they had some money collected in the church, so they bought some flour, but this month they could not afford to do the same. His helpers had suggested to take out a high-interest loan from the bank to buy flour now, and later they would see how to repay the debt. Pastor Bojidar was sharing this burden with tears in his eyes, but I could hardly sustain my joy.
Only the day before, I was asking God to show me the right place to take extra supplies of flour. Which place was most badly in need? God had heard the prayers of both of us and had prepared the answer. That very evening we were able to give out bags of flour to fifty families in Sotirya. The children were leaping with joy around the mission van and were telling their mothers to hurry up and prepare something to eat. The sight was amazing! I could see how God provided for the great need and filled up the hearts of all the people of the village with gratitude.
Report from: TEN Partner, Ivan Ivanov and Mission Possible Bulgaria
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