Report from Ljiljana Banicek, Banja Luka Christian Fellowship
When Covid-19 hit Bosnia and Herzegovina lots of people felt a sudden impact. Many people lost their jobs and those who were already poor started suffering even more. As a church we were torn between the government safety advice saying, “Stay home and Save lives” or what the Bible says, “Love your neighbour”. We decided to love our neighbours in a very tangible way and stepped out in faith despite having no available funds.
Then TEN blessed us with a grant from its Covid-19 Relief Fund thanks to generous donations from UK Christians. The grant enabled us to purchase essential supplies for food parcels. When our local friends, who are not believers, heard about the efforts we were making to distribute food parcels, they wanted to help us, so they started bringing items of food.
As a result, we have been able to support 80 families across Banja Luka with food parcels each month between March and May. We pray that God will use our visits to these families to work in their hearts – just like He moved us to love our neighbours. We want the families to understand that the food parcels are about so much more than food. They are a gift from God who loves them dearly and cares for them.
Please pray for us. Thank you for all your support because without you we wouldn’t be able to serve on the front line. Thank you for letting God use you to glorify Him and His work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.