Leonora Maloku and James Vaughton
Tucked away in Pristina is a hidden gem. Head up two flights of steps in an unremarkable apartment block and enter the door on your right and you will find Illyria Bible School.
You’ll find a lecture room, a theological library, offices and a small kitchen bustling with students keen to learn. The school is led by Leonora Maloku and run by the Fellowship of the Lord’s People Church.
In the small, predominantly Muslim nation of Kosovo, Illyria Bible School is a beacon of light. It has trained over thirty students in Kosovo in the last few years in theology, ministry practice and leadership. In a nation of twenty-three churches the importance of equipping God’s people cannot be over-emphasised. James Vaughton, our CEO, with years of experience in youth ministry, was invited to teach the youth ministry programme over a weekend in late October.
About fifteen students from local churches joined the lectures. This included six on the main two-year Bible School programme and others who had chosen to spend their weekend learning more about how to engage a younger generation by attending. Over a third of the population in Kosovo is under eighteen. Engaging a younger generation is a critical part of the gospel witness. During the programme we spent time considering the value of young people, the world they are in and thinking about how the church can develop a disciple-making ministry. It was encouraging to meet such passionate young people committed to following Jesus and seeking to bring light and life to Kosovo.
Please pray for:
- Illyria Bible School as it develops in the coming years.
- For past and present students, that their training will strengthen the witness of the church in Kosovo.
- For young people that they will turn to Christ.
- Pray for God’s provision for
the school.