Erion and Gentiana Cuni
As a young boy, Erion became one of the first believers in his town and quickly developed a passion for reaching the lost.

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Gifts with a value, not just a price
100 faith inspiring real life stories spanning 50 years of God's work across Europe
When Erion and his wife Gentiana moved to Unaza e Re, Tirana, they planted the ‘Life in Christ’ Evangelical Church, part of the Church of God denomination. The church started in 2006 as a small group of believers and today has over 50 members and at least five new church plants.
The church runs many ministries: social care for the poor and needy, the elderly people left alone, drug addicts and their families, prison ministry and the families of the prisoners, and children’s ministry.
Erion was granted permission and has translated Christianity Explored (CE) and SOUL into Albanian.
Since 2017 more than 155 churches have received the materials and at least 2,250 have participated in CE courses.
Erion is married to Gentiana and they have two children.