Alpha Courses Prepare the Way

Translated Alpha resources

Translated Alpha resources

Twenty-seven years ago, TEN worked in partnership with Sandy Millar and Nicky Gumbel from Holy Trinity Brompton to put on the first ever Alpha conference in Eastern Europe.

630 delegates attended the training event in Prague, Czech Republic from many different nations. There was a hunger for evangelism and discipleship after the spiritual vacuum created by communism.

The first event was later followed by conferences in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Albania. Alpha was the key to open these countries and has now been translated, printed and established in thirteen different countries across Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Alpha courses are still making a difference. Pastor Vjeko Mrsic at Good News Church in Split, reports, ‘Last year we ran the Alpha Course from March until May. We had nine people on the course. From that nine, seven regularly attend the church now and are part of the church family.’

Vjeko shares a short testimony of one family impacted by the course: ‘Ani came to the church with her husband Bruno, who used to be in a rehab centre many years ago, and there gave his life to Christ.

After many years not being part of the local church, Bruno and Ani came to Good News Church in the summer of 2021. Ani was on our next Alpha course where she gave her life to Christ and was baptised in the summer. They have three children and are part of our church family.’

Praise God for the many lives won for Christ through Alpha and the different ways he uses his people to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Translated Alpha resources; Vjeko leading an Alpha study; Alpha meal
Translated Alpha resources; Vjeko leading an Alpha study; Alpha meal

By Ken Millwood, Partners Officer at TEN

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