Twenty WinterHelp grants were sent out in October 2021 to partners in eight countries. TEN was able to fully fund twelve projects and part fund eight projects. A total of at least 601 adults and 680 children were helped by WinterHelp grants. Thank your for your generosity!
Fellowship of the Lord’s People (Mercy Ministries), Kosovo
We rejoice in meeting and serving needy families, not only to fulfil a physical need, but the testimony such an action leaves; the Lord sees them. We are grateful to have friends to support us in making this possible every year.
Last winter, we were able to support twenty families and give them firewood. Only generosities like this open doors for our team to gain their trust and share the true love and hope found in Jesus.
Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Serbia
Every year with cold weather comes the same challenge: to supply people on the street with at least warm shoes and clothes that will ease their endurance of sub-zero temperatures outside and prevent frostbite to some extent. And every year, together with them, we thank you for the donations that make it possible.
Novi Sad Nexus, Serbia
Vera was in desperate need. Each winter we were able to help her with food parcels and firewood. The most important thing is that Vera became a follower of Jesus. She was baptised in our Nexus Roma Church and was a regular attendee.
Last year, Vera collapsed and died. Our comfort is that she was a believer and our satisfaction comes from the fact that we’ve been faithful to her in supporting her for basic living. You guys were also part of her story, although you never met her. This is a reminder that we have just a short window of time to be a blessing. I am glad we did it together.