Beginning of Life work with refugee children
Two years on since the escalation of the Russo-Ukraine war in 2022, TEN partners continue to serve those displaced and traumatised by war and TEN continues to support with funds where possible. With the war grinding on we want to share what our partners continue to do.
In Chisinau, Moldova, Beginning of Life has been committed in its mission to serve those affected by war-induced crises. Over the past two years, the therapy team, consisting of four professionals and five dedicated volunteers, has provided essential emotional and moral support to over 450 Ukrainian refugees, helping them settle into a new country and children into schools. Another part of the team delivered humanitarian aid and provided transportation, assisting over 4,500 Ukrainian refugees with the most basic needs.
Meanwhile in Sofia, Bulgaria, Didi Oprenova reports from Sofia Baptist Church, that Bulgarian lessons continue. Classes run twice a week and start with a meal together. The classes are very practical and include themes from ordinary life to help refugees integrate into Bulgarian life.
In Svistov, Bulgaria, Anatoli Yankov tells us that over the last couple of years through God’s amazing provision they bought groceries and covered rent for those who had escaped the war. Many of the refugees now have jobs or have moved on from Svistov.
In Romania, Pastor Beni Micle has built a link with pastors in southern Ukraine. A few months ago, he was at the refugee centre in the basement of a church bringing humanitarian aid and sharing the gospel with those staying there. Your support has meant they were able to buy four pigs and wood for the winter months.

By James Vaughton, CEO at TEN