Blessings Over Blessings: Church Partnerships

Paul and Jacqui Lander of St Barnabas Cray meet Arben and Silvana Bedulla, Albania, April 23

Paul and Jacqui Lander of St Barnabas Cray meet Arben and Silvana Bedulla, Albania, April 23

Church partnerships are a brilliant way to support and encourage a partner in Europe and inspire your church for mission by seeing how God is working in another country.

These relationships are highly valued—it is a two-way blessing. Many of our partnerships began over ten years ago and enrich the ministries of the partner and home church. Most start with an initial visit to a partner and grow from there.

Vasile Grigorita, Pastor of Brinza Baptist Church, Moldova writes: ‘For me and the believers at our church, the partnership with Christians from other countries is very important. For many years, we’ve partnered with a church in the UK and received blessings over blessings through the spiritual involvement of the believers there. They’ve sent mission teams who’ve helped us enormously in different activities we organised together. Through this partnership, we’ve also been blessed practically through regular financial support for our family. It has enabled us to focus more on the church ministry and has lightened the great financial pressure from my shoulders as the head of the family.

‘We are also so thankful to God for your support through TEN. You are God’s people with a great heart and you do a great ministry. We’ve been so blessed to benefit from projects such as WinterHelp and Harvest for the Hungry. We really value the partner conferences too. We pray that God would bless you in everything you do for His glory and for our good and many other people.’

We currently have 13 church partnerships linked with partners in Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia. Four further churches are considering partnerships.

Are you available for a week in 2024? Do you want to join a TENteam trip such as a summer camp in the Balkans or Eastern Europe? If so, we would love for you to get in touch.

If you would like to support our partners in sharing the love of God in person, contact Lucy and Melanie at or call on 0117 961 5161.

By Melanie Griffiths, Supporters & Churches Officer at TEN

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