
Romania is one of the world’s most Christian nations by percentage, but it is difficult to see this in society. The atheistic worldview of Communism persists.

Bucharest, Romania capital

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Weak faith, hypocrisy, and slander of other denominations cause problems for all Christian groups. This does not glorify Christ and does not build up the Church. Church members and even clergy mix faith with folk religious practices or the occult. Churches neglect many poor people. Pray for a breakthrough of love, holiness, discipleship, and prayer in all denominations.

The Orthodox Church dominates society with 87% of the population affiliated. Cultural pressure to remain Orthodox, however nominal, persists. For many, this affiliation is inherited rather than reflective of a deeply held personal faith. Some Orthodox priests frequently oppose, sometimes violently, evangelical outreach. Yet within this ancient confession there is life and potential for great good. Pray for renewal from within and for the Holy Spirit to awaken those whose faith lies dead or dormant.

The Lord’s Army is a remarkable renewal movement within the Orthodox Church with about 300,000 converted affiliates and many more sympathizers. Severely persecuted in the past, it is more accepted today. There are two expressions of one movement – one a branch of Orthodoxy, and the other a more independent movement linked to the Evangelical Alliance. Pray that these believers may act as leaven in the wider Orthodox Church with its large nominal membership. Pray also that the Lord’s Army might inspire and foster similar movements in other Orthodox nations. 

From Operation World, 7th Edition, by Jason Mandryk. Copyright (c) 2010 by Jason Mandryk. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, USA.

Our partners in Romania

Christmas Shoeboxes provided by CASA Grace

CASA Grace

The Christian Agency for Social Action

Beni and Ancuta Micle

Beni and Ancuta Micle

Agape Christian Centre Navodari

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